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Good wine starts in the vineyard. And the foundation for any good vineyard is it's soil. Understanding your soil chemistry and composition, allows for maintaining good soil health. Before planting a single vine, we spent time learning and testing to ensure the vines, dirt, and management practices would be a perfect pairing. 

the dirt

The perfectly balanced pH soil is a Marshall Silt Loam, made up of 4% Sand, 61% Silt, 35% Clay at a depth of 7-22 inches, with about 3% organic matter. Classified as “Fine-silty, Mixed, Superactive, Mesic Pachic Hapludolls Mollisol Udoll”   So who cares?


Well, we do. Here’s why:


Pachis – Thick like a pachyderm! Thickened with dark organic matter created by ‘extra big’ grasses grown throughout history, this created an extra thick layer of top soil. Providing a perfect home for the roots, with plenty of nutrient exchange from dirt to vine.


Mollisol – meaning hearty and rich black soil –  created from the decomposing of organic matter, molli being Latin for soft. The abundance of natural grasses left influences on the dirt and nutrients available. Managed right, this can produce an amazingly deep flavorful wine – a very distinct terroir


Udoll – describing the humidity within the soil, this dirt is a moisture abundant home. Plenty of access to the water when the vines are thirsty.


Hapludoll – The mixture type – a perfect combination of  Silt, Clay, and Sand allowing for the perfect amount of water retention and drainage. – right where it should be


Mesics – Soil temperature regime - not too cold not too hot.


Super Active – reaction class – Nutrient flow between dirt and root is critical to both growth and quality. A 'Super Active' reaction class means the soil is very conductive and can provide a perfect nutrient source for the vines.

Holding Soil
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